Project Occurrence: Current

Emergency Assistance to Vulnerable Families (USA)

A-AWA continues to receive requests from various community organizations and groups to help in promoting their programs and activities through AAWA’s large electronic network to spread the word e.g. Sham-e-Orphan, Education for Better Tomorrow, AAMPA, etc.

Resettlement Services to Refugees and Newcomer Families (USA)

This program is focused on newly arrived Afghan families who are desperately in need of emotional support from the community, helpful guidance, and referral services. A strong team of volunteers have been networking to lead and manage this effort through which many families received some relief and assistance when they needed it the most! Above all they got the message that we exist in the area, care for their well-being and welcome them to their new lives.

AAWA within its capacity has welcomed newcomer families to the Afghan community in the area and has offered some basic support by finding volunteers to arrange for home visits, and help with family’s needs related to school issues, housing application, translation, cultural interpretations, parenting, budgeting, job search, health and nutrition. A-AWA was approached by mainstream community organizations (more since 2016) to help with a wave of new Afghan refugees. A-AWA is especially working with the women in these families trying to support their smooth adaptation and settlement. Back in September 2014, in partnership with LSS/NCA, a new support group was formed for newcomer families that ran until mid-2015. Currently, AAWA offers services based upon requests received. These services depend on volunteer’s availability.

Life & Cope Series

The Life and Cope Program is the first initiative in our community to work on our self-growth, self-esteem, mental and emotional wellbeing and learning about professional techniques to deal with our life challenges. This is like laying the seeds for a stronger and healthier community in future. Our team believes that bringing awareness to our community regarding critical challenges and relevant issues can breed resolution and unity.

The first talk series took place in October 2015, on the topic of “migration” and its impact on immigrant families (Report by Voice of America: Since then, Dr. Homaira Wali Behsudi, Dr. Nahid Aziz and Dr. Syed Amiry have presented informative and participatory sessions on a variety of topics (All free of cost professional sessions so far)

Life and Cope program stands for the following: